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Wait Types and correlation to other Performance info

Wait Types and correlation to other Performance info

Wait Type
Correlation to Other info
IO (Restore DB)
RARE During Backup and Restore (e.g. including zeroing out pages) threads written in parallel. 
Possible disk bottleneck.  See disk perf counters for confirmation.
Waiting for asynchronous IO requests to complete. 

Identify disk bottlenecks, using PERF Counters, Profiler,
::fn_virtualfilestats and SHOWPLAN

Any of the following will reduce these waits:
1. Adding additional IO bandwidth,
2. Balancing IO across other drives
3. Reducing IO with proper indexing
4. Check for bad query plans
5. Check for memory pressure 
See PERFMON Disk perf counters:
1. Disk sec/read
2. Disk sec/write
3. Disk queues

See PERFMON SQL Buffer Cache perf counters for memory pressure:
1. Page Life Expectancy
2. Checkpoint pages/sec
3. Lazywrites/sec

See PERFMON SQL Access Methods for  correct indexing:
1. Full Scans/sec
2. Index seeks/sec

Check IoStallMS – IoStallMS is the number of cumulative milliseconds of IO waits for a particular file.  If IoStallMS is inordinately high for one or more files, you have a disk bottleneck.

1.    select * from ::fn_virtualfilestats (dbid,file#)
2.    select * from ::fn_virtualfilestats (dbid,-1) to list all files for a database. 

SQL Profiler can be used to identify which TSQL statements do scans.  Select the scans event class & events scan:started and scan:completed. Include the object Id data column.  Save the profiler trace to a trace table, and then search for the scans event.  The scan:completed event will provide associated IO so you can also search for high reads, writes, and duration.

Check SHOWPLAN for bad query plans

Waiting for thread safe memory objects


Asynch Cursor thread


Parallel process waits.  Possible skew of data possible lock of a range for this cpu meaning one parallel process is behind, etc.

In an OLTP environment, excessive CXPACKET waits can impact the throughput of other OLTP traffic.

In a DW environment, CXPACKET waits are expected for multiple proc environments.
Check for parallelism – sp_Configure “max degree of parallelism”. 

If max degree of parallelism = 0, you may want to do one of the following:

1. turn off parallelism entirely: set max degree of parallelism to 1
2. limit parallelism by setting max degree of parallelism to some number less than the total number of CPUs.  For example if you have 8 procs, set max degree of parallelism to <=4.

New Checkpoint request that is waiting for outstanding checkpoint request to complete
See SQL Buffer Cache perf counters:
1. Page Life Expectancy
2. Checkpoint pages/sec
3. Lazywrites/sec

Waiting for Distributed Transaction Coordinator
Check transaction isolation level

Non-parallel synchronization between parent and child thread


Waiting on a parallel process to complete, shutdown or startup.

Check for parallelism – sp_Configure “max degree of parallelism”. 

If max degree of parallelism = 0, you may want to do one of the following:

1. turn off parallelism entirely: set max degree of parallelism to 1
2. limit parallelism by setting max degree of parallelism to some number less than the total number of CPUs.  For example if you have 8 procs, set max degree of parallelism to <=4.

Query memory and spooling to disk

Waiting for IO requests to complete. 

Identify disk bottlenecks, using PERF Counters, Profiler,
::fn_virtualfilestats and SHOWPLAN

Any of the following will reduce these waits:
1. Adding additional IO bandwidth,
2. Balancing IO across other drives
3. Reducing IO with proper indexing
4. Check for bad query plans
See Disk perf counters:
1. Disk sec/read
2. Disk sec/write
3. Disk queues

See SQL Buffer Cache perf counters:
1. Page Life Expectancy
2. Checkpoint pages/sec
3. Lazywrites/sec

See SQL Access Methods for  correct indexing:
1. Full Scans/sec
2. Index seeks/sec

See memory perf counter
1. Page faults/sec

Check IoStallMS
1. select * from ::fn_virtualfilestats(dbid,file#)

SQL Profiler can be used to identify which TSQL statements do scan.  Select the scans event class & events scan:started and scan:completed. Include the object Id data column.  Save the profiler trace to a trace table, and then search for the scans event.  The scan:completed event will provide associated IO so you can also search for high reads, writes, and duration.

Check SHOWPLAN for bad query plans
Latches are short term light weight synchronization objects.  Latches are not held for the duration of a transaction.

“Plain” latches are generally not related to IO.  These latches can be used for a variety of things, but they are not used to synchronize access to buffer pages (PAGELATCH_x is used for that). 

Possibly the most common case is contention on internal caches (not the buffer pool pages), especially when using heaps and/or text.  
If high, check PERFMON for
1. memory pressure
2. SQL Latch waits (ms)

Look for LOG and Pagelatch_UP wait types.

Latch_x waits can often be alleviated by solving LOG and PAGELATCH_UP contention.  In the absence of LOG and/or PAGELATCH_UP contention, the only other option is to partition the table/index in question in order to create multiple caches (the caches are per-index). 
Destroy Latch
Exclusive Latch
Keep Latch
Null Latch
Shared Latch
Update Latch
Possible transaction management issue. 
1. For shared locks, check Isolation level for transaction. 
2. Keep transaction as short as possible
See SQL Locks perf counters
1.Lock wait time (ms)

Hint: check for memory pressure, which causes more physical IO, thus prolonging the duration of transactions and locks.
Bulk update lock
See Lck_x
Intent Share lock
See Lck_x
Intent Update lock
See Lck_x
Intent Exclusive lock
See Lck_x
Range Intent Null Lock
See Lck_x
Range Intent Shared lock
See Lck_x
Range Intent Update lock
See Lck_x
Range Intent Exclusive lock
See Lck_x
Range Shared Shared (Key-Range) lock
See Lck_x
Range Shared Update (key-range) lock
See Lck_x
Range Exclusive shared (key-range)
See Lck_x
Range Exclusive update (key-range) lock
See Lck_x
Range Exclusive Exclusive (key-range)
See Lck_x
Shared Lock:
See Lck_x
Modify schema lock:
See Lck_x
Shared Schema (Stability) lock
See Lck_x
Share Intent Update lock
See Lck_x
Share Intent Exclusive lock
See Lck_x
Update lock.
See Lck_x
Update intent exclusive lock
See Lck_x
Exclusive lock
See Lck_x
Transaction Log
Waiting for write requests to the transaction log to complete. 

Identify disk bottlenecks, using PERF Counters, Profiler,
::fn_virtualfilestats and SHOWPLAN

Any of the following will reduce these waits:
1. Adding additional IO bandwidth,
2. Balancing IO across other drives
3. Moving / Isolating the transaction log on its own drive
See Disk perf counters:
1. Disk sec/read
2. Disk sec/write
3. Disk queues

See SQL Buffer Cache perf counters:
1. Page Life Expectancy
2. Checkpoint pages/sec
3. Lazywrites/sec

Check IoStallMS for tranlog
1. select * from ::fn_virtualfilestats(dbid,file#)

Catch all wait type


Waiting on Network IO Completion.  Waiting to read or write to a client on the network

This can occur if a client is in the middle of sending packets to SQL Server, or when SQL writes data to a client and is waiting for an ACK. 

Check NIC bandwidth.  100mbits is preferable to 10mbs.

OLEDB waits. Common causes are:
·         SQL Server is waiting for client application to send data.  Some examples include:
·         1. BULK INSERT
·         2. CONVERT (6.5 to 2000)
·         3. Full text
·         4. Linked server calls incl. four part name calls, remote procedure calls, openquery, openrowset etc.
·         5. Queries that access virtual tables, since these are implemented as OLEDB rowset providers.

1. Check placement of client app including any file input read by the client and SQL Server data and log files.  See PERFMON disk secs/read & disk secs/write.  If disk secs/read are high, you may  add additional IO bandwidth, balance IO across other drives, or move / isolate the database and transaction log on its own drives
2. Inspect TSQL code for RPC, Distributed (Linked Server) & Full Text Search.  While SQL server supports these type queries, they are sometimes performance bottlenecks.
3. To get the SQL Statement involved in OLEDB waits, Select virtual table master..sysprocesses as follows:
a. SQL2000 Service Pack 3 Only
DECLARE @Handle binary(20)
SELECT @Handle = sql_handle FROM sysprocesses
WHERE waittype = 0x0042
SELECT * FROM ::fn_get_sql(@Handle)
b. SQL2000 RTM, SP1, SP2 – limited to 255 characters
dbcc inputbuffer (spid)


Latches are short term synchronization objects.  used to synchronize access to buffer pages.  PageIOLatch is used for disk to memory transfers.
If this is significant in percentage, it normally suggests disk IO subsystem issues.  Check disk counters.

IO Page destroy latch

IO Page latch exclusive

IO Page latch keep

IO Page latch null

IO Page latch shared

IO Page latch update

Latches are short term light weight synchronization objects.  Latches are not held for the duration of a transaction. Typical latching operations during row transfers to memory, controlling modifications to row offset table, etc.  Consequently, the duration of latches is normally sensitive to available memory.
If this is significant in percentage, it normally indicates cache contention.

Page latch

Page latch exclusive
Contention can be caused by issues other than IO or memory performance, for example, heavy concurrent inserts into the same index range can cause this type of contention.  If a lot of inserts need to be placed on the same page they are serialized using the latch.  A lot of inserts into the same range can also cause page splits in the index which will hold onto the latch while allocating a new page (this can take a while).  Any read accesses to the same range as the inserts would also conflict on the latches.  The solution in these cases is to distribute the inserts using a more appropriate

Page latch keep

Page latch null

Page latch shared
Contention can be caused by issues other than IO or memory performance, for example, heavy concurrent inserts into the same index range can cause this type of contention.  If a lot of inserts need to be placed on the same page they are serialized using the latch.  A lot of inserts into the same range can also cause page splits in the index which will hold onto the latch while allocating a new page (this can take a while).  Any read accesses to the same range as the inserts would also conflict on the latches.  The solution in these cases is to distribute the inserts using a more appropriate

Page latch Update is used only for allocation related pages, and contention on it is often a sign that more files are needed.  With multiple files, allocations can be distributed across multiple files thus reducing demand on the per-file data structures stored on these pages. The contention is not IO performance, but rather internal allocation contention to access the pages – adding more spindles to a file or moving the file to a faster disk will not help,  nor will adding more memory.

Waits for parallel page supplier.  Possible disk bottleneck

Any of the following will reduce these waits:
1. Adding additional IO bandwidth,
2. Balancing IO across other drives
3. Reducing IO with proper indexing
4. Check for bad query plans

See Disk perf counters:
1. Disk sec/read
2. Disk sec/write
3. Disk queues

See SQL Buffer Cache perf counters:
1. Page Life Expectancy
2. Checkpoint pages/sec
3. Lazywrites/sec

Check IoStallMS for database
1. select * from ::fn_virtualfilestats(dbid,file#)

PIPELINE waittypes added to allow one user to perform multiple operations such as writes to log cache on behalf of himself as well as other users who are waiting for same operation.  It does all log writes in single operation.
See Disk perf counters:
1. Disk sec/read
2. Disk sec/write
3. Disk queues

See SQL Buffer Cache perf counters:
1. Page Life Expectancy
2. Checkpoint pages/sec
3. Lazywrites/sec

Check IoStallMS for database
1. select * from ::fn_virtualfilestats(dbid,file#)

PIPELINE waittypes added to allow one user to perform multiple operations such as writes to log cache on behalf of himself as well as other users who are waiting for same operation.  Does in single operation.
See Disk perf counters:
1. Disk sec/read
2. Disk sec/write
3. Disk queues

See SQL Buffer Cache perf counters:
1. Page Life Expectancy
2. Checkpoint pages/sec
3. Lazywrites/sec

Check IoStallMS for database
1. select * from ::fn_virtualfilestats(dbid,file#)

PIPELINE waittypes added to allow one user to perform multiple operations such as writes to log cache on behalf of himself as well as other users who are waiting for same operation.  Does in single operation.
See Disk perf counters:
1. Disk sec/read
2. Disk sec/write
3. Disk queues

See SQL Buffer Cache perf counters:
1. Page Life Expectancy
2. Checkpoint pages/sec
3. Lazywrites/sec

Check IoStallMS for database
1. select * from ::fn_virtualfilestats(dbid,file#)

Waiting on Asynch thread


Internal Use only
Synchronization object

COMMON for DSS like workload & large queries such as hash joins; must wait for memory quota (grant) prior to execution.
See SQL Memory Mgr perf counters
1. Memory Grants Pending
2. Memory Grants Outstanding

Shutdown without specifying NOWAIT, waits for other users to logout before shutdown completes
Monitory SQL Statistics: User Connections

To expedite shutdown you can:
2. Use SQL Kill command to terminate user connections.

Internal Use only


Dropping a global temp object that is being used by others.


Transaction latch - destroy


Transaction latch - Exclusive


Transaction latch - Keep page


Transaction latch - Null


Transaction latch - Shared


Transaction latch - Update


Batch waiting on a worker thread to free up (or batch waiting to get a worker thread to run it)
If this is a high percentage, you can increase the number of worker threads from the default of 255.  The maximum is 1024.
Check for waitfor delay in TSQL code
Inspect TSQL code for “waitfor delay” statement
Transaction Log
Waiting for write requests to the transaction log to complete. 
Identify disk bottlenecks, using PERF Counters, Profiler,
::fn_virtualfilestats and SHOWPLAN

Any of the following will reduce these waits:
1. Adding additional IO bandwidth,
2. Balancing IO across other drives
3. Moving / Isolating the transaction log on its own drive

See Disk perf counters:
1. Disk sec/read
2. Disk sec/write
3. Disk queues

See SQL Buffer Cache counters:
1. Page Life Expectancy
2. Checkpoint pages/sec
3. Lazywrites/sec

Check IoStallMS for tranlog
1. select * from ::fn_virtualfilestats(dbid,file#)

Transaction escalation, rollback

QUEUES (Perfmon Counters)

The Queues aspect of the Waits and Queues approach to performance analysis refers to PERFMON counters.   PERFMON counters provide a view of system performance from a resource standpoint. 

PERFMON Counters, correlation, possible conclusions & actions

Perfmon Object
Counters to Monitor
Possible conclusions / actions
Physical Disk
Current Queue Length
Sustained high queues mean your IO subsystem is not keeping up. 
Confirm IO issues with disk sec/read & disk sec/write.

Waitstats correlation:

Avg. Disk Queue Length

Average of disk queues over time.  If this number is consistently high, disk sec/read and disk sec/write will be high as well indicating IO bandwidth issues.
Confirm IO issues with disk sec/read and disk sec/write.

Waitstats correlation:

Disk Sec/Read

Under normal circumstances, reads should take 4-8ms – confirm with hardware vendor for exact read time.  Sustained queues will skew this number higher because disk sec/read factors in the effects of disk queues.  High numbers mean your IO subsystem is not keeping up with requests

Check individual drive performance if there are multiple drives.  If it is a broad problem affecting all drives, the IO subsystem is not keeping up.  More drives could be beneficial.  If there is ONE very hot drive, then look at disk activity such as location of paging file, database, transaction log, and other read/write activity. 
If disk sec/read > normal read time (ask vendor for normal read time) you can consider the following options:
1. Resolve IO bottleneck by adding more drives; spreading IO across new drives if possible e.g. move files such as database, transaction log, other application files that are being written to or read from.
2. Check for memory pressure – see memory component.
3. Check for proper indexing of SQL tables.  Proper indexing can save IO.  Check SQL query plans looking for scans and sorts, etc.  Showplan identifies sorting steps.
4. Run SQL Profiler to identify TSQL statements doing scans.  In Profiler, select the scans event class & scan stopped event.  Go to the data column tab and add object Id.  Run the trace.  Save the profiler trace to a trace table, and then search for the scans event.  Alternately, you can search for high duration, reads, and writes.

Waitstats correlation:
Disk Sec/Write
Under normal circumstances, reads should take 4-8ms - confirm with hardware vendor.  Sustained queues will skew this disk sec/write higher because this counter factors in the effects of disk queues.  High numbers mean your IO subsystem is not keeping up with requests.  In some SAN environments, writes can be as low as 1-2ms.
See disk sec/read. 

High performance (significant insert, update, and delete activity) requires the transaction log to be on a separate drive from the database.

Waitstats correlation:
Memory / Cache
Page Faults/sec
This counter includes both hard faults (those that require disk access) and soft faults (where the faulted page is found elsewhere in physical memory.) Most processors can handle large numbers of soft faults without significant consequence. However, hard faults, which require disk access, can cause significant delays.  See the disk component for more information.
Check for memory pressure (see SQL Server buffer manager), low data page hit rates, & memory grants pending.
Number of pages read from or written to disk to resolve hard page faults.

These are hard faults that require physical IO to fetch the page. 
Compare with Page Faults/sec.

Check for memory pressure (see SQL Server buffer manager), low data page hit rates, & memory grants pending.
%User Time
SQL Server runs in User mode.  Privileged mode, is designed for operating system components and allows direct access to hardware and all memory. 
Make sure % user time > 70%.  Check task manager (taskmgr.exe) to see how much CPU sqlserver.exe is getting. If user time < 70%, check on %Processor Time & % Privileged activity.
% Privileged Time
The operating system switches application threads to privileged mode to access operating system services
Should be < 20%.  Check task manager (taskmgr.exe) to see how much CPU sqlserver.exe is getting. If %privileged time > 20%, check on %Processor Time & % User Time.
%Processor Time
% of time CPU is executing over sample interval.
Common uses of CPU resources:

1. Compilation and re-compilation use CPU resources.  Plan re-use and parameterization minimizes CPU consumption due to compilation. For more details on compilation, recompilation, parameterization and plan re-use, see

--Plan re-use is where usecounts are > 1
select dbid, objid, cacheobjtype, objtype, usecounts, sql
from master..syscacheobjects
order by dbid,objid, cacheobjtype,objtype,usecounts,sql

Correlate to PERFMON counters:
1. System: Processor Queue length
2. SQL Statistics: Compilations/sec
3. SQL Statistics: re-Compilations/sec
4. SQL Statistics: Requests/sec

If both of the following are true, you are cpu bound:
1. Proc time > 85% on average
2. Context switches (see system object) > 20K / sec
light weight pooling can provide a 15% boost.  Lightweight pooling (also known as fiber mode) divides a thread into 10 fibers.  Overhead per fiber is less than that of individual threads.
%Idle Time
% of time CPU is idle over sample interval

Interrupts/sec is the average rate, in incidents per second, at which the processor received and serviced hardware interrupts.
Correlate with other perfmon counters such as IO, Network.
Page Faults
This counter includes both hard faults (those that require disk access) and soft faults (where the faulted page is found elsewhere in physical memory.) Most processors can handle large numbers of soft faults without significant consequence. However, hard faults, which require disk access, can cause significant delays.  See the disk component for more information.
Check for memory pressure (see SQL Server buffer manager), low data page hit rates, & memory grants pending, page life expectancy.
Processor Queue Length

Number of threads waiting to be scheduled for CPU time.  Some common uses of CPU resources that may be avoidable:
1. Unnecessary compilation and recompilation.  Parameterization and plan re-use would reduce CPU consumption.  See
2. memory pressure
3. lack of proper indexing
Context Switches/sec

SQL Server
Access Method

Forwarded Records/sec
Number of records fetched through forwarded record pointers.

Tables with NO clustered index.  If you start out with a short row, and update the row creating a wider row, the row may no longer fit on the data page.  A pointer will be put in its place and the row will be forwarded to another page.
Look at code to determine where the short row is inserted followed by an update. 

Can be avoided by:
1. Using Default values (so that an update will not result in a longer row that is the root cause of forwarded records).
2. Using Char instead of varchar (fixes length so that an update will not result in a longer row
Full Scan/sec
Entire table or index is scanned.  Scans can cause excessive IO if an index would be beneficial.
SQL Profiler can be used to identify which TSQL statements do scan.  Select the scans event class & events scan:started and scan:completed. Include the object Id data column.  Save the profiler trace to a trace table, and then search for the scans event.
The scan:completed event will provide associated IO so you can also search for high reads, writes, and duration.
Index Searches/sec
Number of index searches. Index searches are used to start range scans, single index record fetches, and to reposition within an index.
Compare to Full Scan/sec.  You want to see high values for index searches.
Page Splits/sec
Number of page splits occurring as the result of index pages overflowing.  Normally associated with leaf pages of clustered indexes and non-clustered indexes.
Page splits are extra IO overhead that results from random inserts.

When there is no room on a data page, and the row must be inserted on the page (due to index order), SQL will split the page moving half the rows to a new page, and then insert the new row. 

Correlate to Disk: page sec/write.  If this is very high, you may reorg the index(es) on the table(s) causing the page splits, to reduce page splits temporarily.  Fillfactor will leave a certain amount of space available for inserts.
Memory Mgr
Memory Grants Pending
Memory resources are required for each user request.  If sufficient memory is not available, the user will wait until there is enough memory for the query to run.
Compare with Memory grants outstanding.  If grants pending increases, you can do the following:
1. add more memory to SQL Server
2. add more physical memory to the box.
3. check for memory pressure – see  & correct indexing if you experience “out of memory” conditions.

Correlate to Waittype
Buffer Manager
Buffer cache hit ratio
Percentage of time the pages requested are already in cache
Check for memory pressure. See Checkpoint pages/sec, Lazywrites/sec and Page life expectancy.
Checkpoint pages/sec
Pages written to disk during the checkpoint process, freeing up SQL cache
Memory pressure is indicated if this counter is high along with high lazy writes/sec and low page life expectancy (<300 seconds)
Lazy writes/sec
Pages written to disk by the lazywriter, freeing up SQL cache
Memory pressure is indicated if this counter is high along with high lazy writes/sec and low page life expectancy (<300 seconds)
Page life expectancy
Time in seconds the data pages, on average, stay in SQL cache.  Low page life < 300 may indicate (1) SQL cache is cold, (2) memory problems or (3) missing indexes.  Correlate to Lazywrites/sec and Checkpoint pages/sec
Memory pressure is indicated if this counter is low (<300) along with high lazy writes/sec and checkpoint pages/sec

Check for missing indexes and bad query plans (scans in profiler)

Check for high page faults/sec.
Readahead pages/sec
If memory shortages, cold cache, or low hit rates, SQL may use worker threads to readahead (bring in pages ahead of time) to raise hit rates.  By itself readahead is not a problem unless users are flushing each other’s pages consistently.
Correlate to counters for SQL buffer mgr: buffer cache hit ratio, page life expectancy, lazywrites, and checkpoint pages for memory pressure. 

Check for proper indexing and bad query plans (scans in profiler)
Cache Manager
Cache Hit Ratio
Percentage of time the procedure plan pages are already in cache e.g. procedure cache hits.  I.e. how often a compiled procedure is found in the procedure cache (thus avoiding the need to recompile).
Check for memory pressure. See Checkpoint pages/sec, Lazywrites/sec and Page life expectancy.

See SQL Profiler: Stored Procedure: CacheHit, CacheMiss, and CacheInsert to see what stored procedure query plans are already in cache (Hit), vs. those not in cache (Miss,Insert)

Check for appropriate plan re-use in the usecounts column of master..syscacheobjects.  It is often desirable for query plans to be re-used for similar SQL although not always. 

Select cacheobjtype, objtype, dbid, sql, usecounts
From master..syscacheobjects

See SQL Statistics: Compilations/sec for discussion of plan reuse.

If there is memory pressure, plans will be discarded to make room for other data and/or procedure plans.
Log Flush Wait Time
Waiting for transaction log writes (ms)
See disk perf counters
Check transaction log file ::fn_virtualfilestats(dbid, file#) for IOStallMS (waits in ms)
Log Flush Waits/sec
Tranlog writes per second
See disk perf counters, ::fn_virtualfilestats for IOStallMS.
Log Growths
Windows will automatically grow transaction log to accommodate insert, update, and delete activity.
In general, growths of the transaction log will temporarily freeze writes to the transaction log while Windows grows the transaction log file.  Check to see that the growth increment is large enough.  If not, performance will suffer as log growths will occur more often.
Transactions /sec
SQL Server transactions per second

General Statistics
Number of logins per second
User connections
Number of logouts per second

User connections
Number of user connections

Average Latch Wait Time(ms)
Latches are short term light weight synchronization object.  Latches are not held for the duration of a transaction. Typical latching operations during row transfers to memory, controlling modifications to row offset table, etc.
If high, check PERFMON DISK and MEMORY objects for
1. IO bottlenecks
2. memory pressure

Normally reduced with more memory and/or IO capacity
Latch Waits/sec
See above

Total Latch Wait Time(ms)
Short term light weight synchronization object.  Latches are not held for the duration of a transaction. Typical latching operations during row transfers to memory, controlling modifications to row offset table, etc.
If high, check PERFMON DISK and MEMORY objects for
1. IO bottlenecks
2. memory pressure

Normally reduced with more memory and/or IO capacity
Average Wait Time(ms)
Transactions should be as short as possible to limit the blocking of other users.
Hint: check for memory pressure, which causes more physical IO, thus prolonging the duration of transactions and locks.
Lock Wait Time(ms)
Transactions should be as short as possible to limit the blocking of other users.
Hint: check for memory pressure, which causes more physical IO, thus prolonging the duration of transactions and locks
Lock Waits/sec
Transactions should be as short as possible to limit the blocking of other users.
Hint: check for memory pressure, which causes more physical IO, thus prolonging the duration of transactions and locks
Includes initial compile and subsequent re-compiles.  Compilation and re-compilation are CPU intensive operations. 

Unnecessary compilation can sometimes be avoided with query plan re-use.  Query plan re-use can be seen in the usecounts column of syscacheobjects as follows

Select cacheobjtype, objtype, dbid, sql, usecounts
From master..syscacheobjects

Parameterization is important for plan re-use.  In addition, some types of re-compilation can be avoided.  See the SQL Server 2000 recompilation paper for more info:

To get initial compilations ONLY, you must subtract recompilations/sec from compilations/sec.

Compare to batch requests/sec to see extent of compilation.


Only contains re-compiles.  SQL Profiler can provide information on what procs are recompiling, what statement, and the reason for recompilation.  In Profiler, select the stored procedure event class & SP:recompilation event, and include the data column eventsubclass.  Review the trace searching for eventsubclass values 1 through 6.  The statements preceding caused the recompilation.  For more details on recompilation, see
Batch Requests/sec

Total batch requests should be compared with compilations/sec
Auto-Param Attempts/sec

Auto-param attempts should be compared to failed auto-params/sec.  Proper parameterization is important for plan re-use.  In some cases, Sp_executeSQL could be used with adhoc SQL.  For more details on recompilation, see
Failed Auto-Params/sec
Auto-param attempts should be compared to failed auto-params/sec.  Proper parameterization is important for plan re-use.  In some cases, Sp_executeSQL could be used with adhoc SQL.  For more details on recompilation, see


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